
The nose and the adjacent mucous membranes swell in colds and allergic conditions; because of this the openings of the sinuses are blocked. The normal mucus discharge cannot happen because of the swollen ostium and the inflammation of the sinuses begins. This situation is caled ‘sinusitis’.
The Symptoms of Sinusitis
– Headache
– Facial pain
– Feeling of pressure on the face
– Feeling of fullness on the face
– Nasal congestion
– Yellow or green mucus discharge
– Postnasal drip
– Loss of olfaction
– In addition to them, fatigue, halitosis and cough could be seen.
Treatment of Sinusitis
Acute sinusitis is usually treated with medication. With antibiotics or different nasal medication, swelling of the mucous membranes could be decreased, the infection could be treated and the blockings on the openings of the sinuses could be opened. Medication has to be applied under the control of the doctor. Chronic sinusitis is usually treated by surgical methods. Symptoms such as nasal congestion, postnasal drip and headache which continue more than six months should be examined and surgery for the underlying conditions should be applied according to the examination results and sinusitis tomography.
Sinusitis Surgery
Sinusitis surgery could be applied if there is an underlying anatomic disorder. The underlying conditions could be allergy, bone curvatures, conchal size and polyp. The need of surgery is very rare for acute sinusitis. However, surgery is usually applied for chronic sinusitis. Sinusitis surgery is applied with endoscope intranasal without an incision. Unlike the old surgical techniques, this method is easy and comfortable. The healing process is quick and painless.