Nose Job

The most important part of the facial aesthetic appearance is nose. Thousands of people in Turkey are consulting to doctors and people already be operated, about changing their nose shapes and getting a better look. Some of them feel uncomfortable about their congenital nose deformities and others about changes on their nose with age. Moreover, there are people feeling uncomfortable with their nose because of nasal trauma. People who have nasal deformation problems could also face breathing problems. Breathing problems could be fixed through Septum Deviation Surgery. Rhinoplasty is necessary for people who have nose deformities and breathing problems because of nasal trauma.
The shape and size of the nose directly affect self-confidence because the nose is in the middle of the face. The aim of Rhinoplasty should be getting a natural looking nose. As we always say ‘ Beauty comes from naturalness ‘ .
‘Rhinoplasty’ means changing the shape of the nose. During this surgery, the surgeon firstly reaches to bones and cartilages and then applies procedures such as adding, removing or fixing according to the shape of the nose. If the nose tip is big and wide, the surgeon applies sculpting to bones and cartilages on the nose tip. If there is an obvious nasal ridge, the surgeon applies sculpting on this area. When a part of the nose has smaller than the other parts or assymmetric, the surgeon adds soft tissue or cartilages to this part in order to fix the problem.
The surgeon makes small incisions inside the nose or under the nose. The surgery technique is called ‘open’ or ‘closed’ according to these incisions. Both techniques have their own advantages and performed worldwide. The most significant thing is that the applied technique should fit the patient. There is no good or bad technique but good or bad surgeon.
There should be an age restriction for Rhinoplasty. The patient must be at least 17 or 18 years old because the development of bones and cartilages continues till these ages. Moreover, the patient should be psychologically ready for the operation. If the patients expectations doesn’t fit the facts such as desire for looking alike a celebrity, disappointment after the surgery is inevitable because every person has a different facial and nasal structure.
The thickness of the skin is also important. If the patient has a thick and oily skin, the appearance of the nose couldn’t radically changed. The patient should be aware of this fact.
Rhinoplasty is performed under general anesthesia and lasts 2 to 3 hours. With the help of the new ‘Piezo’ technique, nasal structure could be changed without breaking the bones. Moreover, less swelling and purpleness occur after the surgery.