Middle Ear Inflammation

The infections behind the eardrum are called ‘middle ear infections’. They are more common in children but it also could be seen in adults. The medical name of this infection is ‘otitis media’. It is seen in more than half of the children.
– More common in children with an allergic structure
– It usually repeats when this infection occurs at early ages
– The probability increases if the child is a passive smoker
– More common in children who go to nursery schools
There are three common types of middle ear infection which are ‘otitis media’, ‘recurrent otitis media’ and ‘otitis media with chronic effusion’.
Symptoms of Middle Ear Infections
– Earache
– Fever
– Voice in the ear
– Decrease in hearing level
– Buzzing
– Cough
– Ear discharge
Newborn babies:
– Fever between 37 and 38,5 degrees
– Nutrition problems
– Discomfort
– Playing with the ear
– Crying
Treatment for Middle Ear Infection
The patient should firstly be examined by an otorhinolaryngologist. The type and level of the infection can be determined after the examination. Hearing test and measurement for ear pressure could be applied. Thereafter, the treatment method will be decided by the doctor. Antibiotics are used for the treatment usually but medication for blocking the swelling and edema in the Eustachian tube and the respiratory tract could also be used.
Middle Ear Surgery
If the medication is ineffective, surgery could be applied. A hole is made on the eardrum during the surgery. An ear tube is placed to this hole when the infection started long time ago or ear liquid is intense. As long as the tube stays, this hole remains open.
Click here for the detailed information about the ear tube operation